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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  January 11, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST

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now, good morning maryland. >> destination denver on this purple friday. we are live with ravens faithful getting ready to head to the mile high city. >> speeding and running red lights are not things you want happening on your child's school bus. we will tell you about our investigation and how after that story aired changes are being made. >> will we or won't we get new speed cameras in charm city is in the debate continues after several cameras malfunctioned. find out what the mayor's office is saying on this friday january 11th. good morning i am charley crowson. >> i am megan pringle. not just any friday but a playoff purple friday. >> very important. ravens on their way to denver but those of us here in baltimore will be treated to great weather. >> we like 66 or 67 over the weekend. towards the west, it's going to be 20 degrees. kind of wild. look at temperatures across- town. 44 in paul, themore city. 38 -- in baltimore city. 38 in annapolis.
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it's on the chilly side a lot of cloud. showers develop after the lunchtime hour and it could be a steady rain into the evening commute. plan on the idea of some foggy conditions going into tonight and the mild ride right into the weekend as temperatures will get into the 60s. so aid whole lot of cloud on to have us right now. see the storm system out to the west? that's pulling in the warm air over north carolina and virginia. we will show you how mild the temperatures are and how mild our temperatures will become coming up in just a little bit. let's check traffic lauren cook over in the traffic center. >> reporter: we are following a pretty serious crash in carroll county in westminster that shut down newarkton road at liberty road. -- newarkton -- new washington road at liberty road. on 795, no problems from westminster pike down to the beltway. checking in and looking live at the northwest side of the beltway, here at old court road traffic is moving along. no problems heading down to 95. and the east side will be nice and clear. you're looking at an 11 minute trip on the outer loop from 95 all the way up to 83. and there are no problems to
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report in white marsh. 95 nice and clear traveling southbound from the beltway wallet way to downtown baltimore -- all the way to downtown baltimore. that's just 14 minutes. that's your abc2 timesaver traffic. it's a playoff purple friday and while many of us will watch the game at home. one grep is get ragedy to catch a flight -- group is getting ready to catch a flight to denver. >> they are bright and -- up bright and early. the last time we checked they were setting up the dj booth. >> reporter: yeah. and can you hear the music? it's going. it's a party. first of all, we have got free donuts and coffee foreone who wants -- for anyone who wants to join this pep rally. it's by the airport and we have got fans joining thus morning. chris you are heading to denver how exciting is that? >> we are heading out around 9 a.m. we have 20 of us on the flight and we have so many activities set up throughout the weekend. >> reporter: so you will go and
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join other ravens fans. >> we will meet a group of 100 people and have a purple pep rally tonight and a tailgate tomorrow morning. >> reporter: what doy think about the game tomorrow -- what do you think about the game tomorrow some people say we are the underdogs. >> i expect to win. i really do i think the ravens will pull it out and think we are going to new orleans. >> reporter: awesome. and what about ray lewis. this could be his last game. let's keep our fingers crossed it's not but he is such an icon. >> he is one of the great baltimore icons up there with cal ripken and i am excited to see him. >> reporter: and you've gathered fans talking about ray lewis. they are going to do the dance. come on. get that music pumped. [ music ] ♪ so hot in here
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♪ >> ♪ &. [ music ] >> reporter: tough give it to them. come on the pep rally is going on 4:30 to 7 this morning at haney's corner deli. this is your what you are missing. free donuts and coffee. they will provide -- be more around town will provide them for anyone coming in. >> you like that. >> i like it. >> all right. so if you are not heading to denver the cheerleaders and poe will get you pumped up here with the purple caravan. theyth it start at 6:45 at house -- it starts at 6:45 atand at each spot you have a chance to win prizes. the final stop is 9:15 tonight. we have posted the entire caravan schedule at our website at here at abc2 beer ex-- 2abc2 we are excited about the ravens run. we ever we have a one hour special airing at 7.
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destination denver. kelly swoope will be live with fans at della rosa's and jamie costello will be live from denver. charley you be live at ravens zone and we will get his ray lewis dance. tune in to abc2 tonight. right now 5 minutes after 5. when your child gets on the bus headed to school, you expect them to be safe and that's not always the case. we showed you what bus drivers were doing busted running red lights and speeding everything was caught on camera in an abc2 news investigation. here's sherrie johnson to explain how the city is stepping in. sherrie. >> reporter: ian, we are here live at -- yes, we are here live at the intersection of york road and you know traffic passes through here each and every day but at this intersection, you will also find things like this red light cameras at the side of the road. there's a new push to hold bus drivers accountable for running
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red lights. last year abc2 investigators showed the city's red light camera system caught school buses running red lights. thnews promoted the baltimore city council to step in. the school system operates some of its own bus but employs several contract rs and they are not required to report tickets they get. >> it scared me to death who's in the yellow school bus? the littlest elementary school children, our special needs children and the most vulnerable children in our city. >> the bill moves ahead to a vote in the full city council and that should happen within the next few weeks. coming up at 6, we will hear what the bus contractors have to say. reporting live in north baltimore, sherrie johnson, abc2 news. an update on problems with
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speed cameras in baltimore city. a spokesman for mayor stephanie rawlings blake says it has not been determined whether all 83 speed cameras will be replaced. some have been generating tickets that shouldn't have been issued at all. a contractor took over the program january 1st and representatives from the company appear at city hall last night. clarifying their role towards fixing the problem. >> there will be some equipment that will be provided but the majority of our work over the next several years will be mane tang the systems that are out there and doing the administrative functions. >> it's up to the city's department of transportation to operate the cameras and deal the citations that are issued. who wouldn't like to get a few extra minutes of sleep? a push to let parents have kids sleep in and go to school a little later. the start school later movement showed up to state its case at the school board meetings last
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night. the grass roots movement gained momentum in the county. organizers want the district to move the school start time from 7:17 to no earlier than 8 in the morning. and they say that no child should be on a school bus earlier than 7:00. >> there are a lot of other schools that made the change and they are seeing the benefits now. and scientists have been able to study the changes and say that these schools would never switch back. >> thean arundel -- the anne arundel. >> they want the changes to be implemented next year. >> time for a check of the forecast. if you are heading out to the bus stop mike, not as bad as it's been the bast few days. >> no it hasn't been. and these temperatures are not too bad. it's not brutally cold. 36 in tanned and towards frederick it's chillier. york pennsylvania is 29. you get the gists of it. you are probably close to the 30 degrees mark but it's about the warm front to the south. this is the mild air on the march in our direction. and that is really going to warm us up. look how mild it is down in atlanta georgia. 63 degrees and that's the air
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we will be dealing with into the weekend. very cold towards the west. forecast high for today 48, 48 goes to 60 lauren cook with clouds and a beautiful sunday afternoon approaching 70 degrees. more weather coming up. how are the roads. >> reporter: we have a crash in westminster on new washington road and the intersection will be shut down. avoid it at all cost. heading on 695, no delays. it's nice and clear all the way around. and as we head up to hunt valley and look at 83 everything is moving along. no problems getting down to the beltway and it remains clear getting on the jfx and head into the city. that's your abc2 timesaver traffic. now over to you. incredible new video this morning. a view of earth from the edge of out aer space. >> -- outer space. >> with a twist. being see the journey back to the ground. >> and new recommendations on sleep it's. why women in -- aides.
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why women should be careful when using a pill to help them sleep.
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this is what it would look like if you went up into space and fell back down to earth using a smart phone and weather balloon this video he was captured. it took six months but they finally got the video back. the camera was spotted in a tree and still works. the video found inside showing the entire trip. i am getting dizzy. come on guys. >> wow. >> the camera apparently landed gently 23 a tree -- in a tree. >> if i fall from space it's not going to be gently. >> that's what the sky diver saw when he jumped from that capsule. >> that was wild. that's all over youtube. check that out. from the edge of the world we will go to the edge of the chesapeake. looking towards the bay bridge. yeah, dark out there. 7:35 that's when we will seesunlight. 36 degrees right now. we will start off on a chilly note this morning. notice temperatures 44 in town.
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joppa 38 and along 95 it's close to the freezing mark. but today it's about the cloud and that's the deal. rain showers will try to develop later today. again clouds on top of us right now. so this storm system out to the west this is actually what's going to bring in some mild air. in fact you notice showers working in here. those showers in here a little after the 3:00 hour and bank on the idea that maybe the evening commute ride could be wet and here we go. all the warmth in the south at atlanta is going to push in our direction. out to the west a whole different story. 13 billings and that area is going top into denver. 21 is going to be the afternoon high going into the teens so ridiculous cold out in the mile high city. 48 in town today. cloudy and lay day showers will develop and for tonight watch out for the dense fog to develop. a little after midnight. go down to 40 and a mild note for tonight. and then going to 60 on saturday. so we stay pretty mild over the weekend. 67 on sunday with a blend of sunshine and clouds.
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we will be up to around 58 on monday. and this is where things will start to change. look at tuesday rain showers developing and we will call it unsettled going into tuesday and wednesday. 47 to 50 degrees and a blast of chilly air thursday and friday. we will talk more about that coming up in just a little bit. let's talk traffic miss cook how are we doing on the roads? >> reporter: we have problems in carroll county. a serious crash in westminster that shut down newarkton road that's right at liberty road. you will want to avoid the area. no problems to report on 695 and if you are traveling on 83, here's a live look up in hunt valley at shawan road. no problems getting down to the beltway for those of you using 95 downtown. this is what it looks like at 395. no problems getting through the fort mchenry tunnel and harbor tunnel will be nice and clear. that's a look at your abc2 timesaver traffic. megan and charley over to you. a warning for millions of people taking the sleeping pills like ambien. fda says there's evidence the pills can stay in the body longer than originally thought
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especially in women. after taking a regular am byien 15% of women will still be impaired 8 hours later. after taking the extend release version, 33% won't be alert enough to do things like driving. the fda is asked them to lower the dose for women by half. there could be a way to detect two dangerous forms of cancer that many women get. pap smear used to detect cervical fanser may be available to find ute ran and cervical cancers. ovarian cancer is the deadliest form of cancer in women because it's so hard to detect. a video you want to share with everyone. >> a car with what appears to be no one driving causes great reactions at the drive through window. the viral prank you've got to see. >> and he is bringing sexy back. really? i got to read this. >> i love it. sing it. >> for the first time in 7
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years, justin timberlake putting out a new song when you can expect to hear it. i can't believe that line was in the script. >> taking sexy back let's head over to haney's corn her deli in hanover. dancing like number 51. we will check in with them live -- 52. we will check in with them live in bit. let's say you want to get ahead in your career. how do you get from here... to here? at university of phoenix we're moving career planning forward so you can start figuring that out sooner. ln fact, by thinking about where want your education to lead, while you're still in school, you might find the best route... leads somewhere you weren't even looking.
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let's get to work.
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this is a story you will be talking about all day. >> you want to share it with everybody you know. a musician and prankster decide to have fun at drive through. take a look. >> this is how the costume looks while i am wearing it. and let's see how people react what car with no driver rolls up to their drive through window. [laughter] >> throw it in here. i am a ghost.
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>> throw it in here i am a ghost. i like that guy opening and shutting the window. >> every time he will be there. he will be there. >> as if it's going to change. he has a youtube channel with other pranks he's done including one where he does the drive through with a fake hand. >> i saw that one. not nearly as funny but the responses to this and reaction from the people is classic. >> stay with us this morning. >> beyonce does it all and looks great doing it. we know that. now she is being recognized as the title of being smoking hot. >> and all of baltimore is showing purple pride leading up to tomorrow's game. how one city is honoring ray loseis in lights. >> it looks good out there a few clouds. 36 degrees in town. wait until you see the weekend forecast. 60s galore. >> reporter: no delays on 695 in towson but we are following a -- following a very serious
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crash in westminster. details coming up on good morning maryland.
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5:24. it appears justin timberlake is going to release a new album bringing sexy back but the clock is ticking down with his putting on a headphone saying i am ready. he has not relead an album in 7 years and has been pursuing an acting career. r and b trio destiny child putting out a new song. it's the first new track in 8 years. it's going to be their album of old favorites called nuclear and comes out on january 29th. destiny's child is arguably the most successful from that group and now she can adanother tight tolt resume. hottest woman of the 21st century according to gq magazine grazing the january cover. inside she talks about her upcoming superbowl performance. she is planning to release the first -- or 5th solo am bull in the next few months. we have purple on brain gearing up for the ravens versus the broncos.
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>> coming up 4:30 tomorrow afternoon and abc2 news jamie costello is in denver padding it -- chatting it up with ravens fans. hear what they have to say about getting readity to the -- ready for the mile high ride. >> the vice-president is putting together a list of how to stem gun violent in country. we will tell you what's on the list and what gun rights advocates are saying about this. we have details straight ahead. >> reporter: good morning. topping america's money, wall street will have a closer eye on the third biggest company. japanese government approved 117 billion dollars stimulus planned creating 600,000 jobs and adding 2% to the country's gdp. the ax is swinging at american express they are slashing 54 unhad hundred -- 5400 jobs most in travel services hit by corporate cutbacks and online booking. the faa will hold a news conference today on the boeing 787 dream liner following incidents including a cracked cockpit window on a flight in
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japan. united airlines says it has no plans to ground its 6 dream liners. and if you want to score a deal on a phone at wal-mart, move fast. the sale of iphone 5 for 127 ends tomorrow replaced by a no contract version over the straight talk network. that's america's money. i am rob nelson.
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you're watching the station that works for you. now, good morning maryland. >> the vice president sits down with the nra on the same day as another school shooting. how the events could impact recommendations handed to president obama next week. throw on the purple and put on the game face. ravens leave tore denver for a critical playoff game and ravens fans are not far behind. we are live showing you how
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they will be heading out to the mile high city. >> what better way to show your pride than wearing 52. find out where ray lewis ranks in the hottest nfl jerseys. thanks for joining us i am megan pringle. >> i am charley crowson. we have to get you ready for today. we have our purple on. it's playoff purple friday. and how is the weather going to be out there mike masco is here to take a look. >> we are talking about temperatures starting out on the chilly side but 60s close to 70s on the weekend. we barbecuing? good idea. >> i like that. >> 34 right now -- right now at joppa. annapolis 37. and it's on the chilly side and things are going to be cloudy during the duration of the afternoon. weather headlines reflects cloudy skies. showers develop after the 2:00 hour and bank on the idea of a foggy friday night. but it's about the mild ride into the weekend where temperatures get into the 60s. here's the day planner. 36 goes to 38


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